
Why Magic Forms?

Almost everyday we do forms for our clients, personal projects, etc

Sometimes we need to add or remove fields, change validations, store data and at some point, this can be boring and repetitive.

So, the objective was to find a way to just put the HTML elements on the page, skip the repetitive task of coding and (with some kind of magic) store this data on a database or send by mail.


Create any type of form: contact, feedback, registration, uploads, etc
Write only HTML
Don't code forms logic
Laravel validation
Custom validation errors
Use multiple forms on same page
Store on database
Export data in CSV
Access database records from backend
Send mail notifications to multiple recipients
Auto-response email on form submit
reCAPTCHA validation
Support for Translate plugin
Inline errors with fields (read documentation for more info)
File uploads using Filepond
